Mission & Outreach
Our vision of “Putting Love First” focuses us on serving God through the way in which we serve one another. Mission is the way we offer the love of Christ to those in need. Outreach is the way that we connect with our community.
Opportunities to serve in mission are offered on a regular basis and will be announced with our other events.
Outreach events are offered as a way to intentionally connect with our community and invite others to join us on the faith journey.

United Christian Outreach – First Sunday Food Drive
On the first Sunday of each month, donations are accepted to assist the mission of United Christian Outreach.
The most needed items are Jiffy Cornbread mix, Jellies/Jams in non-breakable containers, small bags of Sugar, Flour or Rice, and canned meat meals such as Spaghetti and meatballs.
You are welcome to make a financial donation through online giving on our website. Be sure to designate your gift to UCO.

Escape from Poverty
Escape from Poverty’s Mission is to ignite hope, success and transformation by empowering impoverished families to Escape from Poverty by providing power courses, relationships, and motivation within faith-based communities.
The Winter/Spring Session will begin on Thursday, January 11th. There are several ways that you can help in this ministry through their meals and incentives program.
Our meals are served to each participant, their children, Grad club and all volunteers. For some hard-working families, this simple act of kindness makes all the difference. Meals serve 22 – 26 people each Thursday and should be delivered by 4:45. You may choose the date you provide the meal; you can choose to coordinate your meal donation with other donors, and you can provide your menu.
If you are interested in assisting with this program, please contact the Church Office for informaiton on how to sign up online. Thank you for your continued support of this very important program.
If you have any general questions about the program, please contact Teresa Robertson, Executive Director of Escape From Poverty at (337) 984-4858 or via email at [email protected] .

FUMC is a partner in helping to combat the food insecurities on the UL Campus. Support the Wesley Foundation and the Campus Cupboard on the last Sunday of each month with your donation of “helper” meals (hamburger/tuna/chicken helper).This is a nonprofit pantry specifically for students at ULL.
You can place your donations in Room 205 on the Second Level, and they will be picked up for delivery to the Campus Cupboard during the upcoming collection weeks for the spring semester: January 28th, February 25th, March 31st and April 28th. This will be an ongoing effort.

The Clinton Street Pantry serves people in the downtown area who are in need of assistance with free food, clothing and personal items.
Clinton Street Pantry Current Needs
The Pantry is located at 124 Clinton Street in downtown Lafayette.
Donations can be delivered directly to the drop-off location on the front porch at the Clinton Street address. Donations can also be placed in the Clinton Street Pantry bins at FUMC located in the foyer of the front entrance of the Sanctuary or by the elevator on the third floor. Thank you for your support.