United Methodist Men
United Women in Faith
United Methodist Men

Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. Therefore, opportunities for participation would include diverse ministries of the church, such as prayer groups, missions, Bible studies, retreats, workshops/seminars, small groups in the Wesleyan tradition, leading and participating on committees, teaching Sunday school classes, youth ministries, scouting, mentoring and assisting in leading worship service. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.
Mission and Goal of UMM
Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within the congregations of the UMC.
United Women In Faith

United Women In Faith Purpose
The organized unit of United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
United Women In Faith Missions
United Women in Faith have always been about helping missions locally and abroad. Learn about missions FUMC – Lafayette’s United Women in Faith group is involved in.
Ways to Be Connected
- Martha Susanna Wesley (MSW) Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM Contact Circle President Debbie Cottrell for locations and further details at [email protected]
- Janelle McCammon Circle (JM) Meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM outside of the Church – Locations to be determined each month. Contact Circle President, Lisa Farmer for details at [email protected]
- Golden Girls Circle (GG) Meets on 3rd Tuesday each month in the Church Parlor at 10:00 AM. Contact Circle President, Kay Riedel for further details at [email protected]